佰感交融 机智过人
Sivers Semiconductors Group
The Group is active on the market for products needed to upgrade data and telecommunications networks, including sensors. The sharp increase in traffic in these networks means that operators now have a substantial investment requirement, which in turn means that Sivers Semiconductors’ market is significantly outgrowing traffic volumes.
Sivers Semiconductors develops, manufactures and sells chips, components, modules and subsystems based on advanced semiconductor technology for 5G millimeter wave networks, and optical semiconductors for fiber networks, wireless optical networks and sensors. Millimeter wave technology and optical semi–conductors are central to high-speed networks. The Wireless business area is fully focused on 5G, while the Photonics business area focuses on passive optical fiber networks (PONs), wireless optical networks and sensors.
Licensed and Unlicensed 5G
A broad range of mmWave frequency integrated circuits (MWIC) for use in both licensed and unlicensed frequencies, from 24GHz to 71GHz.
Whether seeking to operate in the licensed or unlicensed band, Sivers Semiconductors’ chip
provide unrivaled power, flexibility, and quality.
Tested and pre-tuned wireless chipsets simplify development and reduce time to market.
Uniquely wide spectrum, coverage, superior link budget, flexible channelization.
Capable of operating in a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C – ideal for outdoor installation.
Frequently asked questions
Q1: What is the TRX BF/01?
A1: It is a complete 16RX + 16TX beam forming RF transceiver supporting the frequency band 57-71GHz.
Q2: What is the architecture used in the TRX BF/01?
A2: It is a Zero-IF topology ie 16 RF in/out and analog base band I/Q in/out.
Q3: What is the main targeted application for TRX BF/01?
A3: The Transceiver is targeting data and telecommunication infrastructure solutions for unlicensed 5G mm-wave use cases.
Q4: Does the TRX BF/01 have any internal calibration routines?
A4: The TRX BF/01 includes support for DC offset, LO leakage and IQ calibration. It includes an auxiliary ADC, supporting various external functions, e.g. power and temperature measurements as well as production test support.
RF Modules
Save on RF design time for your 60 GHz beamforming access products, with Sivers Semiconductors integrated RF modules
Our RF modules give unmatched power, performance, and throughput.
Their integrated antenna reduces time-to-market, giving you a competitive edge.
Tested and pre-tuned wireless chipsets simplify development and reduce time to market.
Uniquely wide spectrum, coverage, superior link budget, flexible channelization.
Capable of operating in a temperature range of -40° C to +85° C – ideal for outdoor installation.
Frequently asked questions
Q1: What is the difference between BFM 06010 and BFM 06011?
A1: Internal ref clk (BFM 06011) and external ref clk (BFM 06010).
Q2: What is the interface to the BFM 06010 and BFM 06011?
A2: It is differential analog I/Q interface.
Q3: Can we connect an external LO to BFM 06010 and BFM 06011?
A3: No.
Evaluation Kits
Reduce time to market and speed up your mmWave product design using our Evaluation Kits
Validate the RF aspect of your unlicensed or licensed 5G mmWave system.
Plug and Play with a minimum of configuration activities – easily controlled through standardized interfaces.
Leverage our integration test platform to reduce costs and time to market.
Seamless operation together with any Zero-IF based broadband solution.
Quickly evaluate beam steering capabilities and other RF parameters.
Frequently asked questions
Q1: What is the signal interface to the EVK02001?
A1: It is differential analog base band, zero-IF, I/Q interface.
Q2: What kind of connectors are available on the EVK02001 for the analog base band signal?
A2: There are 4 TX and 4 RX mcx female type of connectors.
Q3: Can we modify the EVK02001 to be used with an external x-tal?
A3: Yes, instruction for modification can be found in the user manual for EVK02001.
Q4: What control interfaces are available and excess thru the EVK02001?
A4: There is a USB, SPI and 2xGPIO connector interfaces available for direct access to registers. All connector pinning are described in the user manual for EVK02001.
Sivers Wireless产品广泛用于需要超高速、超大带宽、超低时延数据波束成形的应用中,从而推动了无线通信技术发展和未来企业数字转型。
- 具体型号价格另议010-62360224
PiezoMotor 超声波压电电机
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ZOOK是金属和石墨爆破片及防爆膜领域的领先者,90多年来一直专注于用精准的生产工艺和材料开发高质量的压力控制产品。ZOOK在美国和加拿大有装备精良的生产和测试设备,可以快速响应客户的各种应用需求,也可以定制各种防爆产品。ZOOK产品取得了各地的特种设备认证。 -
LIROS 特种绳目前应用于高科技游艇绳索、风筝冲浪绳、滑翔伞绳索和各种工业绳索。LIROS拥有欧洲现代化的绳索生产工厂,并在新设备上投入了大量资金,这些设备经过校准,以提供始终如一的高质量。LIROS的绳索用降落伞和滑梯公司在空中飞行,用船只环球航行,用绳索把木材从森林中拖出来,用于汽车建设等许多行业。新型高强度材料使LIROS能够在越来越多的应用中使用高强度的轻型设计,例如更换钢丝绳。 -
Cicoil成立于1956年,为早期的大型计算机 - 扁平带状电缆提供创新的新产品。带状电缆允许像IBM这样的公司用光滑,柔韧的带状电缆代替笨重,坚硬的圆形电缆。Cicoil的创新工程师想出了如何使用新材料Flexx-Sil来“模塑”包含相同尺寸多根导线的扁平电缆。Cicoil扁平电缆和电缆组件广泛应用于各种行业的数千种应用中。 -